2 Matching Evergreens Needed
by Keith R. Miles
(South Park, PA (Allegheny Cty))
garage entrance - dying witchita junipers.
As can be seen on the attached photo I am looking to replace 2 witchita junipers (on either side of my garage entrance with something else. These junipers, which are approximately 15 years old seem to have been hit with "something" - maybe spider mites or a fungus. In researching this variety Kansas State University has them listed as 1 of the worst junipers.
I like the fact that they are evergreen, shape (tall, columnar) and color (blue - green) and are deer and drought resistant. The garage faces due SOUTH and gets hit with winter winds. It appears the one on the right might not get the same amount of direct sum (as the left one does) and it doesn't seem to get hit with the direct wind either.
Any suggestions on replacements - at this point I would consider anything (and not limit myself to evergreens) - maybe clump birch? I am thinking something in the 10 - 15 feet tall range - if you agree.
Thanks in advance,
Keith Miles
South Park PA 15129
Zone 5a or 5b (I think).

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