What's New At Landscape Design Advice?


Well, for most of us, spring is here (or almost)!

In this newsletter, I thought I would talk about what's new at Landscape Design Advice or about some things on the site you might have missed.

*If any of the links do not work, please copy and paste into your web browser.

1. There is a new page called Limestone Fountains.

Limestone Fountains

They are quite formal and nice for an upscale design. This may or may not something you are interested in, but it's still nice to see some garden fountains that are nicely designed and made well. There are two pictures to look at.

2. If anyone is interested in exploring doing a simple drawing in 3D, you can visit my page on Google Sketchup, which is free software.

Google Sketchup

I have also written a page on Sketchup Components. These are the objects you can place in a 3D design, such as people, cars, garden ornaments, etc. The link to this is on the Google Sketchup page.

3. Some of you may have seen my Question and Answer pages. For those of you who haven't, I will explain. This is a service I provide, which is free. If you have a question about landscape design for your property or in general, just ask! There are two main pages where the Question forms are located.

Landscaping Ideas

This is for general questions.

Patio Designs

This would be for questions regarding patios or other hardscape projects.

Please give as much detail as possible. In addition, it is very helpful to me if you could post a picture. The instructions for this are right there and it is quite easy.

4. Lastly, I have begun to offer advertising on Landscape Design Advice. If anyone has a related business and is interested, please visit my advertising page for more information.

Advertise on Landscape Design Advice

A Little Off Track

5. I have a new website for anyone interested in working with digital photos online. I discuss photo editing programs, digital cameras, sharing photos online and more.

Digital Photos Online

Have a great spring and thanks for subscribing to my newsletter!

Regards, Susan


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