Creating a Level Area

by David Smith

I need help with creating a level area.

I have recently purchased a property with an unusual back garden and would be very grateful for some advise. The garden is 12m(w)x 7m length. The problem that I have is that the garden has a very steep gradient.

The difference from the top level to the bottom level of the grass area is a drop of almost 3ft, which is a considerable drop considering the garden is only 7m in length please.

Can you tell me what can be done to level it out or to significantly reduce the gradient to a more respectable level. I have had a number of quotes the cheapest is £2000 which I don't really want to spend. I am a keen gardner and was wondering if I could rectify this myself.

I was thinking about renting a rotavator to reduce the top level by 1ft and using the earth removed to raise the bottom level by 1ft is this possible. I have never used a rotavator but have ascertained that they can be quite simple to use. Please help me !!! I need some professional and impartial advise !

Kind Regards,
Mr Smith

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Cut and Fill For Level Areas
by: Susan

Hi David,
I think I understand your problem. The 7m length equates to roughly 21 feet and this is the distance out from your house towards the rear of your yard, the way I understand it. If not, please correct me.

In this case, your slope is 3 feet in 21 feet, which is about 14%. This is not terrible, except if you want a flat, usable area.

What you are thinking about is known as cut and fill. This is a good solution. However, if you want to use the entire 21 feet as level area, once you put in the fill, you will need a retaining wall to hold the soil. This is definitely an expense.

If you level the area out for only 10 feet, you can then eliminate the need for the wall by sloping down to the end of the 21 feet for the distance of the remaining 10 feet. This slope will be considerably more severe than your existing slope, but it is the maximum suggested to mow a lawn on, so it would be ok.

There is another way to do this by just reducing the slope for a particular distance...not having it completely level, but creating a lesser gradient than you have now. The remaining could be re-graded.


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