by Brenda
(Suffern, NY)
pool house
We have a pool house and half of it is open where we will have a counter that people can sit at. The area where someone would stand behind the counter (as if to serve someone sitting at it) is under an over hang. I am trying to figure out what type of flooring would work best. Right now it just has ply wood. I bought these teak 10x10 tiles that snap together and they look great!! My father in law says if it rains the water will go through the slots in the teak and rot the plywood. the only way the floor is going to get wet from the rain is if it is really windy, but other than that it is not going to get rain directly down on it. I REALLY want to use these teak tiles and I know there must be a simple solution to this problem. I thought about maybe putting a piece of linoleum on top of the plywood, but was told the water would just sit on it and create mold. I know that it can't possibly collect that much water and just being outside, wouldn't it dry pretty quickly? After the summer we will close up the open area as well so it will be protected. Here is a picture of the almost finished pool house.
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