Help With Landscaping Around Patio

Patio Idea Landscaping

Patio Idea Landscaping


My son's graduation party is scheduled to be on our patio in just 3 weeks. He and my father just laid a 21' x 14' patio with red/black 16" sq. pavers.

I have an area approx. 8' by 14' adjacent to the patio that was dug (by my son) but I didn't think I could afford the cost. I would like to do some sort of planting, mulch, etc. We could mound it up a bit? It gets a lot of sun but some shade from an adjacent tree.

The other problem that I have no idea what to do with is a very old, large tree that will likely need to come out in the next few years. There has been some sort of ground cover underneath. I tried cleaning it up and ended up removing over half of it.

If anyone has any ideas I would greatly appreciate. The patio is beautiful but what do I do around it?

Thanks in advance for your help!!!

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Patio LandscapingAround Pave Patio
by: Susan

Assuming your main patio view is from inside looking out, I would place some evergreen shrubs on the outskirts of the bed and then do a perennial garden closer to the patio. This way, the shrubs will provide an evergreen background for the perennials, and you will have something to look at during the winter.

Some evergreen shrubs you might consider are Boxwood 'Green Velvet', Blue Holly 'China Girl', or Inkberry Holly.

You can read more about these shrubs in my e-book Designing With Evergreen Shrubs.
Designing With Evergreen Shrubs.

For perennials, if you have mostly sun with some shade, there are so many you can use. Here are some of my favorites:
Lavender 'Hidcote'
Nepeta 'Walker's Low'
Fairy Rose (a rose, not a perennial)
Butterfly Bush

Plant 3 to 5 of each variety (or more), placing the lower ones towards the front. Try to position them so that perennials next to each other have different textures.


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