Problem With Drainage in Yard at Pool

I have a terrible problem with drainage in my yard. Last year we had a swimming pool installed. My property slopes down to a specific area and my house is at a higher elevation.

The pool company suggested putting the pool in this lower area and even raising the grade somewhat.

They did not address grading well at all…to say the least! It’s a mess! Every area of my property leads to this lower level where the pool is and when we have a storm (like Hurricane Sandy!) the area gets inundated with water.

Can you come up with any solutions to this horrible drainage problem?


Thanks for the pictures that you sent.

From what I see…

• There is a huge retaining wall behind the pool.

• Looking at the pool area from the house, hills lead to this area from the right.

• To the left of the pool is a relatively flat area and your neighbor’s yard is lower.

So let’s divide this into three areas to address.

Retaining Wall Area

Unfortunately pipes should have been installed there to take the water away. Pipes can’t be installed at the bottom of the wall now since your paving is bluestone set in concrete.

However, you could install pipes at the top of the wall to capture the water and lead it elsewhere. See my page on retaining wall drainage

I would also plant the beds heavily with ground cover to control any erosion of the beds.

Level Area Next to Pool

I would re-grade this towards your neighbor’s property. Just be careful that the amount of water that empty’s there is not more than before, as this is not moral or legal. I believe you will be ok based on how you explained the land was before it was re-graded.

Hills Lead to Pool Area

You really have no option here other than installing a drainage pit. All of the land should be graded to this structure which will capture the water.

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